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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Just A Glimpse

I started my new meds on Wednesday, and so far, no difference. I know, I know, it takes time.... But I really feel so worthless.
I have decided to accompany Tim to his parents this afternoon. I have been avoiding going outside as though the grim reaper is awaiting my departure from this house. Since his parents only live a few miles from us, I figured I would be close enough in case my anxiety kicks in.
So as I write this post, delaying our journey, he is pacing in the other room. He knows full well that it takes every bit of my energy just to decide to go out, let alone actually GO out. But he is being wonderful (as usual). He is the most patient man, and most supportive of these insanities.
I have suffered from depression from as long as I can remember. I began meds in 1995 when my Mom was in the final stages of her battle with cancer. I had resisted meds up until that point, but at the insistence of my therapist (who was sure I would not make it thru her death without something) I began Zoloft.
So that is what I have been on (and off of) for the past 11 years. Perhaps in the beginning of the medication I felt some small difference. But over the years and the increasing of dosages never seemed to do what I thought it should. I still got stuck in these indoor, bed confined, foggy ruts. With always that light though. Always the knowledge of it getting better eventually. But this time, its so different. I'm stuck. I know where I am with all of it, I know what I should do, yet I cannot seem to do anything about it. Kinda like paralyzed. Wanting to walk, knowing how to walk, and feeling the sensation in my legs, yet not being able to get up. Does that make sense to anyone besides myself?
Because when I try to explain this to "normal" people, they just tell me to "PUSH" myself. "SHAKE IT OFF". Or else I get the 'ol "And what do you have to be depressed about?". God, I HATE THAT!!!!
Well I have held Tim off long enough. Wish me luck as venture into the smallest glimpse of sunlight I see.

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At December 30, 2007 at 2:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything you say makes perfect sense to me. How can anyone understand if they haven't been through it? You try to explain how hard it is, just to get up and brush your teeth, how you wish you could care but you can''s awful.

How was your depression while you were on subxone? Did it help? Sorry if I'm being too nosy. I just know that when I'm in a major depressive episode, certain things just don't click for me and I need my friends to help me see what is working for me or not.

Wellbutrin has been a godsend for me at certain times in my life. It works on dopamine, unlike the other anti-d drugs, so maybe that would be more helpful if the Zolfot isn't working?

My heart goes out to you, suboxone mama. I'm sorry that some people in your life don't understand what you're going through, that must be really hard. I'll be thinking of you.

At December 30, 2007 at 3:55 PM , Blogger SuboxoneMom said...

Awwww cappie, thank you so much for your kind words and especially relating to my insanity......

I spoke w/my doc about the depression progression when I stopped the Sub treatment. He thinks that the depression severity should have showed up within a few weeks. I stopped my treatment in the beginning of September and this slippery slope of insanity seemed to get worse sometime in November. But who knows when the actual progression into hell began. I don't usually recognize it until I'm too far in it to get out......

But this episode seems to be the worst ever. I just feel so much much guilt because of the holidays and my kids. But no matter how guilty I feel, I still cannot seem to get out bed, for their sake even. It's driving me crazy!

My doc put me on Cymbalta. The only positive comments I read are from their site. The withdrawal people seem to go thru (reading other forums) seem to indicate alot of pain. Just what I need right? Another drug to w/d from?

But Tim is telling me not to worry about coming off the meds. He is very encouraging to just GET ON them! LOL. Poor guy. Patience of a saint, I swear! :0P

At December 31, 2007 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take Cymbalta. It completely stopped my panic attacks and I was having so many a day that I couldn't tell from one panic attack to the next what was setting them off.

I, like you, had a heck of a time WANTING to leave the house and sometimes I just couldn't. I'm sorry you are going through this. It is truly the worst.


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