
If you have never heard of Suboxone, chances are you don't belong here.........

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

If your still reading this....?

Over the past months, since beginning this bloggy-thingy, I have received several emails from people struggling with addiction and questions regarding Suboxone. I am thrilled to death to be contacted. Not because it makes me feel special, but because I feel that I can actually help someone. Not exactly the type of experience one would put down on a job resume, but experience just the same. Okay, not something most would be proud of, but to be honest, I am proud of my progress regarding the oxy addiction. By progress I mean the fact that I am oxy and Suboxone free today. And do you want to know why?

Because there was someone who was there for me, to answer all my questions. Just a stranger at the time. Willing to listen to my fears and frustrations.

So to those who have emailed me, please know that you are NOT BOTHERING ME. I am honored by your questions, really.

However, please email me again at least once after I respond. Because if you don't contact me again, I have no idea if your okay, or if my words have helped you.

And I don't want to email you again because I do not want to scare you away. Or even worse, turn you off to Suboxone.

Because Suboxone saved my life. Truly saved my life.

That's all folks!



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